Now archived, the modular-concept Moonlight its a Lightweight Desktop Environment for GNU/Linux systems, mainly for those that runs in low performance devices but with modern qt5 tecnologies.
In ‘MLDE’, some core/cruzial apps must be join and integrated in the core session manager/loader to reduce memory footprint, either LXQT desktop its concept it the “junction or many apps” so then each app must be light by itself.
It merges the basic desktop components into a single application in order to reduce the memory footprint and let you take the maximun from your devices.
Currently project are staled and need a mantainer, currently only receive pull request for bugs, or complete code solutions. see our [] guide file.
Please for more info see the isssue #39
Firs Core docs design: docsdesign/docscore/class_diagram.dia (Deprecated and staled).
Currently project are staled but if something are interesting, feel free to make a feedback: